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Our constant quest to improve the quality and performance of our feeds drives us to undertake numerous initiatives in the field of research and development.
Through knowledge and regular discussions, the direction of our work is focused on three main areas: our customers, our suppliers and our partners.


The enhancement of protein

Protein has now become an expensive and rare resource. To address this issue, Cizeron Bio optimises the quality and efficiency of protein for a sustainable solution in the future.

The up-grading of protein, the result of five years of in-depth research, enables us to provide animals with the highest quality proteins in our feeds. Today, our company uses proteins from more than 18 raw materials.

The results are convincing: proteins can therefore be supplied in smaller quantities, as they are better digested. This leads to purchase savings and improves the animal’s health status as well as its technical and economic performance by increasing production (milk, meat).

Integrated into the new production unit on site, here are the stages of the enhancement process at Cizeron Bio :

  • Preparation of the grain
    – Cleaning, sorting, de-stoning, …
    – Crushing, flattening of grains.
  • Separation and processing of the protein
    Depending on the breeding criteria, improving (by cooking and splitting) the digestibility of the proteins used in the manufacture of the feed.
  • Preparation for integration into the feed
    Stabilisation by drying then rapid cooling of the enhanced protein.
  • Microdispensing and incorporation of liquids
    Incorporation of new materials (supplements, raw materials, etc.) in very precise quantities for specific applications.
Breeding trials

In partnership with groups of breeders, we carry out several trials each year with targeted products. This close contact and understanding of the market enables us to analyse the problems encountered by breeders and to find appropriate solutions.



The formulas

The CIZERON BIO formulas satisfy the nutritional needs of the animals while at the same time accommodating the expectations of the breeders and the availability of organic raw materials.

Cizeron Bio puts its expertise at the heart of your farm’s performance. Four of our employees in the Formulation department have been trained according to our company’s values.
Every day, they use powerful data software that enables them to offer you optimised formulas, respecting precise nutritional values and ensuring the consistency of the quality of our feed throughout the year, combined with a number of formulation constraints linked to issues of sustainability and carbon footprint.

Mastery of the specific characteristics linked to organic production is also essential: thanks to the know-how acquired over generations, we master the distinctive attributes of our organic raw materials as well as the precise needs of the animals raised in compliance with organic regulations.


Partnership with our raw material suppliers

Our company attaches great importance to its suppliers. Our comprehensive and ethical approach advocates the most regional sourcing possible. The purchase of raw materials is conducted directly with specialised storage organisations, producer organisations and cooperatives. 70% of our cereal purchases are made in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté and neighbouring regions. The remaining 30 % mainly consists of sunflower cake, soya, rapeseed, sesame, linseed, protein crops, oilseeds and pulses, and are supplied by French and, in exceptional circumstances, foreign crushing companies.

Some of the raw materials come from northern Italy, Germany and Spain because of a historical trade relationship forged at a time when local production was still in deficit. These partners have developed more suitable ranges of crops that are not found on French soil. All purchases of raw materials are regulated.

Our company requires the submission of certificates from all suppliers, and the signing of a contract detailing:

  • the origin of the raw material,
  • the quality of the products delivered,
  • shipping and transport conditions,
  • traceability and alerts,
  • controls and audits carried out by Cizeron Bio,
  • the method for analysing non-conformities with a view to drawing up a progress plan. In a win-win approach, we favour sustainable partnerships, over the medium and long term: we sign contracts with our suppliers for 3 to 5 years, renewable. Our aim is to offer an outlet for all the crops grown in agricultural rotation to which organic farmers are committed, and to use a variety of soil and climate zones to obtain raw materials that are better adapted to nutritional needs.


The Micro-dispensing Station

Our investment in this process allows us to respond, in a targeted way, to the needs of the animals (nutrition, health and well-being) according to their age, their metabolism and the specificities of the herd.

The choice of micro-ingredients (trace elements, enzymes, pigments…) is strategic in our approach to the success of the farms. From our micro-dispensing station, we select the micro ingredients according to the physiological and nutritional requirements of the animals.